What happened to Carl Judie? Dhar Mann responds to mural controversy amidst protests

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Lindsay Clancy choked her youngsters and afterward attempted to end her own life on January 25, 2023. Clancy endure the endeavor and is at present in the emergency clinic. Thinking of her as wounds, she was permitted to show up for her preliminary through Zoom from her clinic bed.

The 32-year-old’s lawyer Kevin Reddington referenced that she was experiencing a few dysfunctional behaviors and was likewise overmedicated. A psychological well-being master was likewise employed to aid the case. Clancy purportedly uncovered that she heard a male voice advising her to murder her youngsters.


Clancy’s lawyer guaranteed that his client was experiencing “post birth anxiety” and furthermore “post pregnancy psychosis.” A rundown of the relative multitude of drugs that she was consuming at the hour of the sad occurrence was likewise uncovered. These prescriptions allegedly actuated desperate and self-destructive ideations.

Lindsay Clancy’s supposed post pregnancy psychosis: Definition, causes, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg
Reddington depicted Lindsay Clancy as a “casualty” of the psychological well-being care framework. He additionally referenced that Clancy was experiencing post birth anxiety and psychosis too. Clancy, herself, has gotten serious about having psychological sicknesses post her youngsters’ introduction to the world, via online entertainment. She further talked about post pregnancy tension also.

Post pregnancy psychosis (PPP) is something that people might insight in the wake of conceiving an offspring. It causes visualizations, suspicion, daydreams, mind-set changes, madness, scattered thinking, disturbance, and that’s just the beginning. It can likewise hamper an individual’s feeling of the real world. In extreme cases, people might endeavor to hurt themselves or their youngsters, as on account of Lindsay Clancy.

According to Cleveland Facility, post pregnancy psychosis can influence a person as long as about a month and a half after they have conceived an offspring. It tends to be brought about by a background marked by emotional wellness issues, hormonal changes, symptoms of medicine, from there, the sky is the limit.

“A serious emotional wellness sickness that can influence somebody not long after having a child. It influences around 1 of every 500 moms subsequent to conceiving an offspring. It’s a significant psychological sickness and ought to be treated as a health related crisis. It’s occasionally called puerperal psychosis, or post pregnancy psychosis.”

As indicated by lawyer Kevin Reddington, 32-year-old Lindsay Clancy was endorsed drugs like Seroquel and Prozac. These drugs could purportedly instigate self-destructive and maniacal inclinations as incidental effects.

Reddington tended to Clancy’s ongoing state of being and uncovered that she has supported spinal string wounds and has turned into a paraplegic. He said:

“She can’t walk… she couldn’t actually go to the restroom. Her profound state was likewise not great by any means.”
Examiners have blamed Lindsay for killing her youngsters – Callan (8 months), Dawson (3), and Cora (5) at her Duxbury home. She has to deal with penalties including first-degree murder.

Examiners referenced that Lindsay’s better half Patrick got back and found his kids being choked. He found their “little necks” were tied by practice groups. The answering official professed to have heard Patrick shout when they showed up at the scene. He was allegedly saying:

Examiners studied the notes in Clancy’s diary and uncovered that she has spoken about her kids and her emotional well-being issues. They additionally asserted that there was no reference to Lindsay Clancy experiencing post pregnancy anxiety. In any case, there was a reference to her encountering a “dash of post pregnancy uneasiness.”

While Reddington talked about Clancy’s corrupting state of mind, investigators were persuaded that she was moving along. They likewise alluded to her short stay at McClean Clinic. Plymouth Partner DA Jennifer Sprague added:

“[Clancy] choked the kids in the spot they ought to have felt most secure: at home with their mother.”

Investigators further referenced: They additionally guaranteed that Lindsay purportedly went to her room subsequent to choking her children and cut her neck and wrists prior to leaping through of the window. Investigators referenced that when Patrick got back, he was unable to track down his better half and children. He at last found Lindsay outside the structure and asked her where the children were. Accordingly, she purportedly said that they were “in the cellar.”

It was in the long run uncovered by the examiners that the 32-year-old Massachusetts mum was having “self-destructive ideations in December of 2022 and on one event had contemplations of hurting her youngsters.” This was the point at which she conceded herself to McClean Emergency clinic and was supposedly released on January 5.

@nicksarando #protestdharmann share this hashtag!! We protested @dharmannstudios & especially @dhar.mann today! Dream come true for me! There has been so much support already from fellow actors and fans!!! But we need more help. Please watch this whole reel and remix it, share it, post, take pictures and videos from stills Chas, Maire, others and I’m about to post and post those as well with this # and a special thanks to @chaslaughlin & @colinaborden for showing great leadership ! #DharMannFamIsASham #DharMannFam #DharMannActors #UnitedWeStand #ActYourWage #SupportActors #SupportArtists #Residuals #Unionize ♬ PAID MY DUES – NF

Investigators added that clinical experts at the office didn’t consider her to be a threat to anyone. Tending to her psychological express, her significant other Patrick said:

Reddington keeps on demonstrating his position that Lindsay Clancy was a caring mother and that overmedication destroyed her life. He said:

“She generally needed to have children, consistently needed to have infants. She’s a medical caretaker. She needed to be a birthing specialist since she needed to help different ladies in having children.”
During the preliminary, investigators attempted to demonstrate that Lindsay Clancy was not experiencing psychological sickness when she choked her youngsters on January 24, 2023. Notwithstanding, Clancy’s lawyer kept on guaranteeing that the occurrence wasn’t arranged.
