Daniel Day-Lewis Net Worth How Much Is Daniel Day-Lewis Worth?

May 2024 · 13 minute read

Daniel Day-Lewis is known for his exceptional talent and remarkable career in the world of acting. With his captivating performances, he has garnered both critical acclaim and financial success. Many wonder, what is Daniel Day-Lewis’s net worth?

According to recent estimates, Daniel Day-Lewis has a net worth of $60 million. His wealth is a result of his lucrative career spanning both stage and screen acting, where he has consistently delivered stellar performances and captivated audiences worldwide.

daniel day-lewis net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Daniel Day-Lewis, a renowned English actor, was born in London, England, in 1957. Coming from an artistic family, with his mother being an actress and his father a poet, Day-Lewis was exposed to the world of storytelling and performance from an early age.

Showing a natural inclination towards acting, Day-Lewis began his journey in the entertainment industry during his childhood. He honed his skills by enrolling in the prestigious Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, where he received formal training and developed a deep understanding of the craft.

After completing his training, Day-Lewis embarked on his early career, initially taking on minor roles in various theater productions and television shows. These early experiences allowed him to gain valuable experience and refine his craft.

However, it was in the world of film that Day-Lewis truly began to make his mark. His exceptional talent and dedication to his craft shone through in his performances, garnering recognition and acclaim. Two notable early films that showcased Day-Lewis’s range and versatility were “My Beautiful Laundrette” and “The Unbearable Lightness of Being.”

“Acting is something I wanted to do from a very early age. I feel fortunate that I was able to pursue my passion and turn it into a career.”– Daniel Day-Lewis

Day-Lewis’s portrayal of complex characters and his ability to immerse himself fully in his roles quickly established him as a rising star in the industry. His early career laid the foundation for what would become an illustrious journey filled with exceptional performances and critical acclaim.

Early Career Highlights

“My Beautiful Laundrette”1985
“The Unbearable Lightness of Being”1988

These early films not only showcased Day-Lewis’s talent but also foreshadowed the remarkable career that lay ahead. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to delivering authentic and transformative performances would continue to define his journey in the world of acting.

Breakthrough and Success

One of the defining moments in Daniel Day-Lewis’s career came with his breakthrough role in the film “My Left Foot.” In this critically acclaimed movie, he portrayed the real-life character of Christy Brown, who had cerebral palsy. Day-Lewis’s mesmerizing performance in the film earned him his first Academy Award for Best Actor, firmly establishing him as a talented and versatile actor.

Following the success of “My Left Foot,” Day-Lewis continued to deliver exceptional performances that showcased his immense talent and dedication to the craft of acting. Some of his most successful films include:

Day-Lewis’s success goes beyond awards and recognition. His performances have resonated with audiences worldwide, earning him a dedicated fanbase and solidifying his status as one of the greatest actors of his generation. His ability to fully immerse himself in the characters he portrays and bring them to life with authenticity is a testament to his exceptional talent and commitment to his craft.

Throughout his career, Daniel Day-Lewis has received numerous accolades and awards, including three Academy Awards, four BAFTA Awards, and two Golden Globe Awards. His remarkable achievements and contributions to the world of cinema have cemented his legacy as one of the most respected and influential actors in the industry.


Awards and Achievements of Daniel Day-Lewis

Academy AwardsMy Left FootBest Actor1990
Academy AwardsThere Will Be BloodBest Actor2007
Academy AwardsLincolnBest Actor2013
BAFTA AwardsMy Left FootBest Actor1990
BAFTA AwardsGangs of New YorkBest Actor2003
Golden Globe AwardsMy Left FootBest Actor – Drama1990
Golden Globe AwardsThere Will Be BloodBest Actor – Drama2008

Other Ventures and Philanthropy

In addition to his successful acting career, Daniel Day-Lewis has ventured into various other endeavors that have contributed to his net worth. One of these ventures includes endorsement deals with notable brands, further solidifying his financial standing. Day-Lewis’s talent and credibility have made him an attractive partner for brands seeking his endorsement.

Furthermore, Day-Lewis has also explored his creative side beyond acting. He has dabbled in writing and production, showcasing his versatility and passion for storytelling. These pursuits have not only provided him with additional outlets for his creativity but have also opened up new opportunities and avenues for financial growth.

However, it’s not just financial success that drives Daniel Day-Lewis. He is also known for his philanthropic efforts and dedication to making a positive impact on the world. Throughout his career, he has actively supported various causes that he feels strongly about, using his platform and resources to contribute to meaningful charities and initiatives.

daniel day-lewis philanthropy

Personal Life and Family

Daniel Day-Lewis, known for his incredible acting talent, prefers to keep his personal life out of the spotlight. However, some details about his personal life, family, and relationships have emerged over the years.

Day-Lewis was previously in a long-term relationship with actress Isabelle Adjani. The two met while working on the film “The Story of Adele H.” Their relationship lasted for six years and they have a son together named Gabriel-Kane Day-Lewis.

In 1996, Day-Lewis married filmmaker Rebecca Miller, daughter of acclaimed playwright Arthur Miller. They have two sons, Ronan and Cashel. Despite their high-profile status, the couple maintains a low-key lifestyle and chooses to raise their children away from the spotlight.

Day-Lewis divides his time between his homes in Ireland and Manhattan. He enjoys the tranquility of the Irish countryside and appreciates the vibrant energy of New York City.

“I’ve always been attracted to solitude and privacy, and I think that will never change.”

While Day-Lewis keeps his personal life private, his dedication and love for his family are clear. He treasures the time he spends with his loved ones and prioritizes their well-being above all.

daniel day-lewis personal life

Key Points:

Daniel Day-Lewis’s Highest-Grossing Films

Over the course of his illustrious career, Daniel Day-Lewis has delivered outstanding performances that have captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim. Not only has he earned accolades for his acting abilities, but he has also achieved significant box office success with some of his highest-grossing films.

One of Daniel Day-Lewis’s most successful films is “Lincoln,” a historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg. This compelling portrayal of President Abraham Lincoln’s final months in office became a box office sensation, grossing over $275 million worldwide. Day-Lewis’s exceptional performance earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor, solidifying his reputation as one of the finest actors of our time.

Another major box-office hit for Day-Lewis is “Gangs of New York,” directed by Martin Scorsese. Set in 19th-century New York City, this epic crime film generated over $193 million in worldwide ticket sales. Day-Lewis’s portrayal of the menacing and ruthless gang leader, Bill “The Butcher” Cutting, captivated audiences and showcased his versatility as an actor.

Furthermore, “There Will Be Blood,” a critically acclaimed drama directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, stands as one of Day-Lewis’s most successful films. This compelling tale of an oil prospector’s ruthlessness and ambition not only received widespread praise from critics but also earned over $76 million at the box office. Day-Lewis’s powerful performance in the lead role earned him his second Academy Award for Best Actor.

These films are just a few examples of Daniel Day-Lewis’s box office success. They have not only contributed to his impressive net worth but have also solidified his status as one of the most bankable and respected actors in the industry.

Daniel Day-Lewis’s Highest-Grossing Films

FilmRelease YearWorldwide Box Office Gross
Lincoln2012$275 million
Gangs of New York2002$193 million
There Will Be Blood2007$76 million

These films showcase Day-Lewis’s ability to portray complex characters and immerse himself in captivating storylines, resonating with audiences worldwide. His talent, combined with the exceptional direction and storytelling of these films, has resulted in remarkable box office success and further cemented his legacy as one of the greatest actors of our time.

daniel day-lewis highest-grossing movies

Daniel Day-Lewis’s Unique Approach to Acting

One of the most distinctive aspects of Daniel Day-Lewis’s career is his unique approach to acting. Known for his incredible commitment to his craft, Day-Lewis goes beyond mere performance and fully immerses himself in the characters he portrays.

This dedication to authenticity has earned him widespread recognition and praise from industry professionals. Day-Lewis’s method acting techniques have become legendary, as he undergoes extensive research, preparation, and transformation to embody his roles.

“I suppose my method is to give myself as completely as I can to the character and then have nothing left for myself.”

This level of dedication not only showcases Day-Lewis’s immense talent but also reflects his deep respect for the art of acting. He strives to deliver performances that are genuine and true to the essence of the characters he portrays.

Through his unwavering commitment, Daniel Day-Lewis has created unforgettable performances that have captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim. From his portrayal of Christy Brown in “My Left Foot” to his transformative role as Daniel Plainview in “There Will Be Blood,” Day-Lewis’s method acting has consistently pushed boundaries and left a lasting impact on cinema.

Commitment to Craft

Day-Lewis’s dedication to his craft can be seen in the lengths he goes to prepare for his roles. Whether it’s learning a new skill, adopting a specific accent, or even living in isolation to fully inhabit a character, his attention to detail is unparalleled.

Through his meticulous approach, Day-Lewis crafts performances that are not only technically impressive but also emotionally resonant. His ability to fully embody a character and breathe life into their stories is a testament to his unparalleled dedication and skill.

daniel day-lewis method acting

Despite his tremendous success and accolades, Day-Lewis remains humble and committed to ongoing growth as an actor. He continues to seek out complex and challenging roles, pushing the boundaries of his own abilities and inspiring fellow actors around the world.

Day-Lewis’s dedication to his craft and his unique approach to acting have solidified his place as one of the greatest actors of our time. His performances will continue to be celebrated and studied for years to come, leaving an indelible mark on the history of cinema.

Daniel Day-Lewis’s Legacy

Daniel Day-Lewis has made an indelible mark on the world of cinema, leaving behind a powerful and inspiring legacy. His exceptional talent, unwavering dedication to his craft, and unforgettable performances have solidified his place as one of the greatest actors of his generation.

Throughout his illustrious career, Day-Lewis has brought an unparalleled level of authenticity to his roles, immersing himself completely in the characters he portrays. Known for his method acting approach, he has pushed the boundaries of his craft and elevated the art of storytelling on the big screen.

Day-Lewis’s impact on cinema extends far beyond his individual performances. He has influenced and inspired countless actors and filmmakers, shaping the industry with his extraordinary talent and unwavering commitment. His dedication to his craft serves as a benchmark for aspiring actors, encouraging them to strive for excellence and immerse themselves in their characters with the same fervor.

From his breakthrough role in “My Left Foot” to his mesmerizing portrayal of Abraham Lincoln in “Lincoln,” Day-Lewis has delivered a string of unforgettable performances that have earned him numerous accolades, including three Academy Awards for Best Actor.

“I like to work in the realm of the unspoken. I like to go beyond what is expected,” said Day-Lewis in an interview.

His ability to embody complex characters with depth and nuance has captivated audiences and critics alike. Day-Lewis’s magnetic on-screen presence and meticulous attention to detail have set him apart as an actor of unparalleled talent.

As we reflect on Daniel Day-Lewis’s extraordinary career, his legacy stands as a testament to the power of storytelling through film. His impact on cinema will continue to be felt for generations to come, as his performances inspire and motivate aspiring actors and filmmakers to push the boundaries of their craft.

Daniel Day-Lewis's Legacy

Daniel Day-Lewis’s Awards

1990Academy AwardsBest Actor
2007Academy AwardsBest Actor
2013Academy AwardsBest Actor
1989Golden Globe AwardsBest Actor
2002Golden Globe AwardsBest Actor
2008Golden Globe AwardsBest Actor
2013BAFTA AwardsBest Actor
2007Screen Actors Guild AwardsOutstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
2002Screen Actors Guild AwardsOutstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
2013Screen Actors Guild AwardsOutstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role


With a net worth of $60 million, Daniel Day-Lewis has achieved phenomenal financial success throughout his career in the entertainment industry. His remarkable talent, unwavering dedication, and diverse ventures have propelled him to become one of the wealthiest and most respected actors in the world.

Day-Lewis’s net worth is not only a reflection of his financial accomplishments but also a testament to the impact he has made in the world of film. His exceptional performances and memorable portrayals have left an indelible mark on cinema, earning him numerous accolades and critical acclaim.

As a true icon of the silver screen, Daniel Day-Lewis’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of actors and filmmakers. His commitment to his craft and his ability to bring characters to life in the most authentic way possible have set a standard that few can match.


What is Daniel Day-Lewis’s net worth?

Daniel Day-Lewis has a net worth of million.

How did Daniel Day-Lewis accumulate his wealth?

Daniel Day-Lewis earned his wealth through his successful career in both stage and screen acting.

What are some of Daniel Day-Lewis’s highest-grossing films?

Some of Daniel Day-Lewis’s highest-grossing films include “Lincoln,” “Gangs of New York,” and “There Will Be Blood.”

What is Daniel Day-Lewis’s approach to acting?

Daniel Day-Lewis is renowned for his unique approach to acting, often immersing himself fully in the characters he portrays.

What is Daniel Day-Lewis’s legacy in the world of cinema?

Daniel Day-Lewis has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema, solidifying his place as one of the greatest actors of his generation.
