Twitter explodes as CallMeCarson is exposed for allegedly grooming minors

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Carson “CallMeCarson” King has been accused of allegedly sexting minors by two former members of podcast group “The Lunch Club.”

Recently, Drama Alert's Daniel "Keemstar" Keem hosted a breaking episode on his channel, where he invited Noah "Noah" and Travis "Traves, former members of The Lunch Club. The two revealed that CallMeCarson had allegedly sexted underage fans:

In the clip above, it was revealed that the popular Minecraft YouTuber had apparently informed most members of The Lunch Club that he had sexted minors who happened to be fans:

“One day in March, he told most of them face to face and he called me and I picked up the phone and he told me he sexted underage girls and I think he said that they were fans.”

They also stated that while this case might not be one of pedophilia, it seems to be one of misuse of power by CallMeCarson.

Shortly before the incriminating video’s release, Keemstar had reached out to CallMeCarson for a statement. The latter is yet to respond to these allegations:

Considering these recent allegations, Twitter had a meltdown as disappointed fans called the YouTuber out for his actions.

What makes this situation even more shocking is that most of his audience consists primarily of children.

Twitter reacts as The Lunch Club exposes CallMeCarson

CallMeCarson is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers today, with millions of followers globally.

He was also one of the central figures involved in The Lunch Club, a YouTube/Podcast group of content creators that included the likes of JSchlatt and Slimecicle.

Two other members, Noah and Traves, recently grabbed headlines with their appearance on Drama Alert. They exposed CallMeCarson for allegedly sexting minors.

The suddenness of the entire situation makes these claims unexpected and surprising, as shocked fans took to Twitter to demand a response from him:

What makes the timing of these recent allegations ironic is that just a day before, memes of the Minecraft star going to prison were being widely circulated online.

This trend has not aged well at all, as enraged fans continue to express shock, anger, and disappointment online.

Besides calling him out, a few fans are also angry that members of The Lunch Club stayed quiet for so long, especially when they knew about the severity of the situation.

However, most came out to support them, as they appreciated their bravery in speaking out against a former colleague and friend:

Now, in what has proved shockingly prophetic, CallMeCarson faces severe allegations of grooming and pedophilia towards minors.

Fans will hope for an accountable response from him soon, as these incendiary accusations continue to set Twitter ablaze.

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