10 Ridiculously Expensive Things That Mark Ruffalo Bought

May 2024 ยท 6 minute read

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Mark Ruffalo started his career during the '90s and got his first significant roles on This Is Our Youth, and You Can Count On Me. Since then, Ruffalo became a household name and was cast on several romantic and dramatic films. Of course, we can't forget about his role as Hulk.

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The star has a net worth evaluated at $30,000,000, a small number if compared to other actors who shared the screen with Ruffalo in Avengers. Unlike many celebrities, Ruffalo doesn't spend money with a fancy lifestyle. Of course, he has some great houses, but he also spends part of his fortune with environmental causes. Curious? Keep scrolling and discover how the actor uses his millions.

Brooklyn Brownstone house - $3,500,000

Back in 2015, Mark Ruffalo paid $3,500,000 for this Brooklyn Brownstone. Variety describes it as a "16-foot-wide townhouse [which] is configured as a four-story single-family home." The property has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, but what makes this place unique are the details. The wood doors are hand-carved; there is a marble fireplace and plaster moldings.

The actor decorated the place mixing modern elements with a classic style. Although the home looks perfect, Ruffalo put it back on the market in 2017. He sold it for $3,100,000, $400,000 less than he paid for it.

Los Angeles home - $1,685,000

The house on Brooklyn was not the first jaw-dropping property Mark Ruffalo bought. In 2007 he added this fantastic house in Los Angeles built in 1935 to his portfolio, and he paid $1,695,000 for it.

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The fancy 2,957 square-foot house has three bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. The house was projected to take the most advantage of daylight, and a vast garden also surrounds it. The actor put it on the market in 2009 and sold it for $1,690,000 to Zooey Deschanel.

Eco-friendly car

Like many other high-profile celebrities, Mark Ruffalo spends part of his fortune on cars, but he doesn't think just about luxury features and speed when he gets a new car. The actor is also involved in sustainability causes, so it makes sense the actor makes conscious purchases when he thinks about a new car.

In 2015, he was spotted in a BMW i3, a fully electric model designed by the German brand. He also shared pictures promoting the BMW i3, helping to promote the car. It can cost up to $59,000 in the US.

A Farm

Mark Ruffalo has a very close relation with environmental causes and with nature. So it makes sense the Hollywood star invested part of his millions in a 50-acre farm. There is no information about how much Ruffalo paid for it, but the place used to be a dairy farm.

According to Farms, the actor uses the place to grow strawberries, and he also allows other people to use it for haying. In the future, he wants to do other things with the farm and also have some sheep on it. There are no official images of the farm.

Supporting social causes

Mark Ruffalo is also known for supporting social causes. The actor uses his fame to promote causes he believes and uses part of his fortune to help them. He was very engaged at The Solutions Project, which aims to find ways for using 100 percent clean energy. So it makes sense he chose the eco-friendly car from the previous topic.

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He is also a member and contributor of the Artists Against Fracking that works closely with Water Defence. His efforts gave him a Humanitarian Award in 2004.

Family Vacations

When he is not busy trying to save the world as Hulk, Mark Ruffalo loves to get his family together have fantastic holidays. In 2016, while he was filming Thor: Ragnarok in Australia, he flew his wife and children to the country so that they could spend time together. The actor shared a picture of them snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef.

Last year he was spotted in Costa Rica, where he enjoyed the beach with his family and also took pictures with fans. The actor seems to prefer beach destinations, and he always travels with his family.


Luxury is in detail. Although Ruffalo doesn't seem to care much about fashion, things change when we talk about watches. The actor likes classic and expensive models like the gold Altiplano by Piaget he wore during the Oscar ceremony in 2013.

Last year, he appeared wearing a Frederique Constant, a Swiss brand. The Model combines smartwatch functions, manufactured movement, and caliber analytics, according to their website. It is a combination of the classic Swiss tradition and modern technology. Probably Mark Ruffalo has other expensive models in his collection.

His Wardrobe

Mark Ruffalo might look low profile when it comes to fashion, but he steps up his game when he needs to go to formal events or cross the red carpet. In 2016, the Hulk star appeared at the 88th Academy Awards Ceremony wearing a custom-designed blue tuxedo signed by Valentino, and he was incredibly elegant. His wife was just as gorgeous and chose a black dress with golden details, also designed by Valentino.

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Valentino is a high-fashion brand and also one of the favorites among actors, especially on red carpet events.

Solar Panels

As we have mentioned before, Mark Ruffalo is very passionate about environmental causes. He is often involved in projects or events to drag the attention to this topic. In 2016, the actor donated several solar panels on trailers to Standing Rock Sioux tribal elders. According to an official press release, the equipment helped to provide energy to medical tents to Native American protesters.

It was unclear how much Mark Ruffalo paid for it, but solar panels are a high investment for anyone. Ruffalo is also the co-founder of The Solution Project, which is described as an institution that "works to accelerate the transition to 100% clean and renewable energy."


Mark Ruffalo impressed everyone with his role on Foxcatcher in 2014. Ruffalo and Channing Tatum portrayed two brothers who dedicated their lives to wrestling. For both actors, it demanded a lot of training, and it was very demanding. The actors had to invest in seven months of intense wrestling training.

Ruffalo and Tatum kept training every day while shooting the movie, and the effort was worth it. The film received a nomination for Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild awards in 2014.

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